Thursday, October 31, 2019

Origins of vernacular language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Origins of vernacular language - Essay Example Some of the vernacular language carries an interesting history laced up with all its delicacies and ethical norms. Latin and the vernacular languages Originally Latin was among one of the Italic Languages which later underwent into a continuous development and in each period it showed some significant changes between the literary written language which was influenced by other languages including Celtic Languages, Etruscan and Greek. There was an obvious difference between the linguistics used by an educated class and a uneducated class. It was in c.70 BCE to c.14 CE when Latin was at its peak and was used by poets and writers whose literature is still considered to be a golden heritage. Latin which went into a lot of brushing and grooming by other languages like Greek was then adopted by Western Church in Rome where Christianity was the most dominant religion and Latin fathers helped in compiling Christian Doctrine. African American Vernacular English (AAVE) African American Vernacul ar English is commonly known as a black vernacular as it is spoken and understood in a region where black masses are living in. It is another form of English with difference of grammatical changes in English Language used or understood in America. Controversies are noted with a subject of emergence of AAVE.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The New Frontier for Fresh Foods Supermarkets Essay Example for Free

The New Frontier for Fresh Foods Supermarkets Essay They are highly dealing on cleanliness, healthy and safety. They are meeting the highly customer quality demands. Fresh Direct collaborated with Automation Associates, Inc. (AAI), a leading provider of simulation solutions for the global supply chain, to help build and improve operations efficiency in, Long Island City, New York. AAIs current project enables Fresh Direct to determine ultimate capacity of its current facility and establish metrics that will signal need for a second location. With its simulation software, AAI will assist Fresh Direct with detailed performance analysis for the facility design, including all internal product movement, packing and shipping equipment, and activities. According to Randall Gibson, president and founder of AAI, by continuously working with a client, AAI can create a fluid model and adjust it for the clients operational changes and growth. Fresh Direct clearly appreciates this value and relies on simulation modeling and analysis as a strategic operations planning tool. With our latest modeling efforts, Fresh Direct will be able to determine specific facility upgrades that can double the total daily order volume. The strengths and weaknesses in reference to the company’s diversity initiatives are †¢Political Factors-Fresh Directs performance is influence by political and legislative conditions in those countries, including the European Union (EU). For labor law, the government encourages retailers to offer a combination of employment opportunities for flexible jobs, lower wages and local basis a highly skilled, better paid and central. Fresh Direct believes that retail trade has a large impact on employment and the factors of people, being an inherently local industry and labor intensive. †¢Economical Factors-The international business continues to grow, the company remains highly dependent on the U. S. A market. However, Fresh Direct would be seriously affected by a slowdown in the market for U. S. A †¢Social Factors-Current trends indicate that U. S customers have moved to the single and bulk purchases, which is due to social changes. Demographic changes such as aging factor, the increase of women employees and a decrease in preparing meals at home means that U. S. A retailers focuses on value-added products amp; services. Consumers are increasingly aware of health problems, and attitudes toward food constantly changing. †¢Technological Feature- New technologies benefit both customers and company increases customer satisfaction as the assets are available, services can be more personalized and more convenient. The commercial launch of the Efficient Consumer Response, the initiative provided that change as this company is dealing, with online services, it is necessary for the company to focus on latest technology. The steps Vivian Noble should take to recruit and develop a new work force are to find strong applicants who fit in with the company’s culture and goals. She will need to make sure that human resources pay attention to laws and civil rights when hiring new employees. She should research and learn about Phoenix, and what people are in needs of jobs. She may want to reach out to college career fairs, Internet sites, newspapers, community centers, and minority organizations. She needs to find people who match the company’s personality and goals to create a positive relationship within the store. She should make sure she keeps the senior managers involved in planning the recruitment activities. She should set up a training program that is mandatory for the recruiters. The training program should include information on hiring procedures, interview techniques, affirmative employment goals, and appropriate questions and behavior (Building and Maintaining a Diverse and High Quality Workforce).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Summary Of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay

A Summary Of Utilitarianism Philosophy Essay Utilitarianism, also known as the English common sense philosophy dominated the Western world during most of the nineteenth century. Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that places the seed of right and wrong solely on the outcomes (consequences) of choosing one action/policy over other actions/policies, hence also sometimes referred to as the Consequentialism. The history of this theory dates back to its true pioneer Jeremy Bentham ( 1748-1832) who gave rise to a new concept in hedonism: The Social Hedonism which was quite different from the Hedonistic doctrines of Aristipppus and Epicurus who are considered to be the fathers of Hedonistic school of thought. Bentham ; the common-sense British thinker is largely held responsible for the shift from egoistic (individualistic) hedonism to the Universalistic( social ) hedonism. He declared in his book Introduction to the Principles and morals and Legislation that all mankind is ruled by two basic masters; namely PAIN and PLEAS URE and that all human race is busy in the so-called rat-race of the pursuit of pleasure and the disapproval of pain.He also asserts that good can be equated with pleasure and evil with pain. Here comes in the big question that How should pleasures be graded as far as preference is concerned? Whether one should go for short-term and intense pleasures or long-term and mild pleasure take precedence over the former. He therefore came up with a detailed outline of principles regarding the preferences of pleasures in his Hedonic Calculus. According to Benthams calculus, he emphasized the significance of seven circumstances in order to determine the value of any action, hence presented a criteria for the preference of pleasures influenced by following major factors: Intensity: of the pleasure or pain that results Duration: of either of the two Certainity: The confirmation that pleasant event will be occurring. Promptness : The nearness of the pleasant event. Fecundity: Its ability to reproduce( lead to) more pleasure. Purity: freedom from either present or future. Extent: characterized by the number of people affected by the action John Stuart Mill(1806-1873) adjusted the more hedonistic tendencies in Benthams philosophy by emphasizing that it is not infact the quantity of pleasure, but the quality of happiness that is central to utilitarianism. He further argued that pleasure couldnt be quantified as stated by Bentham and can only be measured in terms of quality only. Mill advocates his rationality of ideas in the following famous words: It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better Socrates disstatisfied than a fool satisfied The implification of this advancement by Mill lead to a belief that the calculus is unreasonable (there is a distinction between higher and lower pleasures). According to Mill, utilitarianism now refers to the Greatest Happiness Principle GHP. it seeks to promote the capability of achieving happiness (higher pleasures) for the maximum number of people. The Maxim holds as such: Greatest happiness for the greater number Act and Rule Utilitarianism The principle of utility can either either be applied to PARTICULAR ACTIONS or GENERAL RULES. The former is called act-utilitarianism and the latter is called rule-utilitarianism. Act-utilitarianism The principle of utility is applied directly to each alternative act in a situation of choice. The right act is then defined as the one which brings about the best results( good or pleasure) (or the least amount of bad results/bad or harm). Rule-utilitarianism The principle of utility is used to determine the validity of rules of conduct (moral principles). A rule, like promise-keeping is established by keeping in view the consequences of the rule. This can be achieved by imagining a society/world in which people broke promises at will and a world in which promises were kept. Right and wrong are then defined as following or breaking those rules. Some criticisms of this position point out that if the Rules take into account more and more exceptions, Rule Utilitarianism collapses into Act Utilitarianism. More general criticisms of this view argue that it is possible to generate unjust rules according to the principle of utility. For example, slavery in Greece might be right if it led to an overall achievement of cultivated happiness at the expense of some mistreated individuals Critiques on the Utilitarian Theory: The first and foremost critique grounds its claim in the definition of the notion of happiness itself. According to various thinkers Happiness is a pretty relative term. What makes one person happy does not necessarily arouses the same sentiments in another individual. The practicality of the theory is challenged by saying that its not possible to decide whos happy and who is not? There is no justification of sacrificing the benefits of the minority in order to make the majority happy, no matter what. This simply undermines the notion of justice Utilitarianism has no universal set of rules on to which morality is based The sharpest criticism of Utilitarianism comes from its most celebrated critic: Kant. Kants Ethical Formalism holds that the rightness or wrongness of an act is an inherent quality which is independent of everything-time, place, circumstances, so on and so forth. Furthermore , this inherent or absolute quality of an act is independent of any results which follow from it, hence refuting CONSEQUENTIALISM altogether. Critiques on the Act Utilitarian Theory Criticisms of this view point to the difficulty of attaining a full knowledge and certainty of the consequences of our actions. According to some thinkers the consequences of acts cannot be predicted accurately and therefore refutes the argument of establishment of the rightness or wrongness of an act to begin with. One act doesnt have a single consequence. To the contrary, it leads to a multitude of consequences which is usually described as the Ripple Effect, hereby rendering the evaluation of an act as good or bad by looking at its consequences simply impossible. It is possible to justify immoral acts using Act Utilitarianism which is not justified and acceptable on any grounds. Critiques on the Rule Utilitarian Theory: Some criticisms of this position point out that if the Rules take into account more and more exceptions, Rule Utilitarianism collapses into Act Utilitarianism. More general criticisms of this view argue that it is possible to generate unjust rules according to the principle of utility. For example, slavery in Greece might be right if it led to an overall achievement of cultivated happiness at the expense of some mistreated individuals SUMMARY: KANTIANISM Immanuel Kant (1724 1804) stands as a milestone in the history of Western philosophy. Kants theory can be categorized as a deonotological because according to him, actions are not assessed to be morally permissible on the basis of consequences they produce, but rather on the persons will therefore his actions are based on duty and not consequences( henceforth refuting Utilitarianism right at the start). Monistic deontology as subjected by Kantianism is by far more consistent of a theory and can be universally applied to all beings. It is more plausible because even if the consequences of performing an action arent necessarily the best, the agent is still obligated to perform the action because it is their duty to do so. Therefore, ethically and morally they are doing the right thing.Kants theory revolves around Duty and Obligation. It is absolute since the morality of an action takes no regard of the situation it is in. Moral duty Kant said that we all experience an innate moral duty. The existence of the conscience and feelings of guilt and shame tell us when we violate this moral duty. He believed that our moral duty could be revealed to us through reason, objectively. His theory was based solely on duty. He said that to act morally is to perform ones duty, and ones duty is to obey the innate moral laws Moral duty Kant said that we all experience an innate moral duty. The existence of the conscience and feelings of guilt and shame tell us when we violate this moral duty. He believed that our moral duty could be revealed to us through reason, objectively. His theory was based solely on duty. He said that to act morally is to perform ones duty, and ones duty is to obey the innate moral laws. He believed that we are constantly in a battle with our inclinations our raw wants and desires. We should not act out of love or compassion.He preached the most celebrated view of Duty for Dutys Sake Kant said that its was not our duty to do what is impossible for us to do. For Kant, the fact that we ought to do something means that it is logically possible to do ought implies can. Moral statements are prescriptive; they prescribe an action. If ought implies can then the statement, I ought to do x, implies that I can do x. Kant said that we all aim to reach an ultimate end call the supreme good, the summum bonum a state in which human virtue and happiness are united. However, since it is impossible to reach this state in one lifetime, he deduced that we have immortal souls to succeed. Thus, Kant believed in an afterlife where there is a possibility of reaching the supreme good. For an afterlife to exists, Kant said God must exist to aid eschatological justice. For him, God was necessary for morality not the other way round he rejected all classical notions of theism. Moral statements Kant believed that there were two types of statement possible. First, a priori analytic statements such as 1 +1 = 2 are knowable without external research and contains predicate within it. However, statements that are a posteriori synthetic such as, Jack is a butler are knowable only by empirical examination it may be true or false. Kant contended that moral statements were a priori synthetic. We cannot prove what someone should do just by seeing so moral statements are a priori. However, moral statements may or may not be true, thus they are synthetic. Therefore, Kant concluded that moral statements where knowable only through reason since they are a priori and that there must be a method by which to verify whether the statement is true or false. Good will and duty Kant argues that the highest form of good is good will. To have good will is to perform ones duty. To do ones duty is to perform actions which are morally required and to avoid those actions which are morally forbidden. Kant said that we should perform our duty because it is our duty and for no other reason. To perform an action out of desire for any self indulgent consequences is not a morally good action. Duty is good in itself. Kant believed that we should act out of duty and not emotion. A human action isnt morally good because we feel its good, or because it is in our own self interest. Even if duty demanded the same action, but it was done for a motive such as compassion, the act would be a good act, but the person would not be moral (virtuous) for choosing it. Kant is said to have devised a system of ethics based on reason and not intuition. A moral person must be a rational being. Being good means having a good will. A good will is when I do my duty for the sake of that duty. I do my duty because it is right, and for no other reason. But what does it mean to act out of duty? Kant explained that to act out of duty is to perform actions which are morally obligatory and not to perform those that are forbidden. The categorical imperative: It is the basis of Kants moral system and may be formulated as follows: Act as if the maxim of your actions were to become through your will a general Natural law The categorical imperative helps us to know which actions are obligatory and which are forbidden. Hypothetical imperatives are conditional: If I want x then I must do y. These imperatives are not moral. For Kant, the only moral imperatives were categorical: I ought to do x, with no reference to desires or needs. There are three main formulations of the categorical imperatives. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The universal law -The ability to universalize: All moral statements should be general laws, which apply to everyone under any circumstances. There should be no occasion under which an exception is made. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Treat humans as ends in themselves -Respect: Kant argues that you should never treat people as a means to some end. People should always be treated as ends in themselves. This promotes equality. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Act as if you live in a kingdom of ends -Autonomy: Kant assumed that all rational agents were able to deduce whether an argument was moral or not through reason alone and so, all rational humans should be able to conclude the same moral laws. Kant sought to create a framework by which one could discover which moral statements were true and which were false. Immorality thus involves a violation of the CI and is thereby irrational. Other philosophers, such as Locke and Hobbes, had also argued that moral requirements are based on standards of rationality. However, these standards were either desire-based instrumental principles of rationality or based on sui generis rational intuitions Freedom Kant believed that we are free to make rational choices. Reason is what distinguishes us from animals. We have to be free to do our duty. But if we cant be free then we cannot truly be moral agents. Ought no longer implies can. Critiques on the KantinianTheory: Kants refusal to allow any exceptions to a maxim is incompatible with modern politics. In war, the sacrifice of the few for the many is necessary. Kant does not allow this. Kant cannot distinguish between conflicting duties. Kants concept of universalisability encounters problems. How similar do two moral dilemmas have to be to be covered by the same maxim? Critics object that the categorical imperative, as circumscribing the form of morality, is often too ambiguous, even empty of application Kants refusal to allow and exceptions to a maxim is incompatible with modern politics. In war, the sacrifice of the few for the many is necessary. Kant does not allow this. Critics of Kants approach claim that his Categorical Imperative does not contain within it a way to resolve conflicts of duties. Lying is wrong can be interpreted as Never lie and thus Universal Principles can harden into Absolute Principles

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Captain John Smith Is Successful Than John Rolfe :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Captain John smith was more important to the success of Virginia by 1630 then John Rolfe.. Like many famous heroes, John Smith was feisty, abrasive, self-promoting, and ambitious. He was an experienced soldier and adventurer, the man who boldly went out and got things done. If not for him, the colony may have failed at the start.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Rolfe is best successful for having introduced tobacco as a commercial crop to Virginia colonists. The production of this valuable commodity shaped the future development of the colony and provided an economic incentive for future expansion and settlement of the New World. Rolfe is best remembered of his marriage to Pocahontas. This marriage brought a much-need period of peace between the Indian and the colonists until Powhatan’s death. But John Smith was more successful then John Rolfe because of the myths he himself created. Smith promoted the Virginia company’s interests in the New World and he provided the leadership necessary to save the colonists during the early years of the settlement. Although many of his narratives seem boastful and swashbuckling, his accounts were intended to lure adventurous new settlers to Virginia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the colonist suffered harsh winter, lack of fresh water, and the spread of disease made in Jamestown difficult for the settlers. Attacks by the native Indians, hoping that the settlers would give up and leave, raided their camps, stealing pistols, gunpowder, and other necessary supplies. Captain John Smith stepped forward as the leader of the colony when it became apparent that the council of seven was ineffective. He led expeditions into the interior and traded with the Indians for corn. In 1607, Smith and several other colonists left the fort to explore the local area. Unfortunately they ran into an Indian hunting party and were promptly captured by the Indians. Smith was treated kindly and a great feast was prepared in his honor. When Smith was not well received in Jamestown, Captain Christopher Newport and Gabriel Archer had assumed leadership during Smith’s absence and the colonists still suffered from a lack of food and proper shelter. Smith soon escaped from the tension of the fort and proceeded to explore the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers and the Chesapeake Bay during the summer of 1608. His explorations of Virginia were later complied in his Map of Virginia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Due to bed government, Smith was eventually elected president of the local council in September 1608.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Deontological Ethics Essay

Immanuel Kant’s theory of ethics is considered deontological for several different reasons. [4][5] First, Kant argues that to act in the morally right way, people must act from duty (deon). [6] Second, Kant argued that it was not the consequences of actions that make them right or wrong but the motives of the person who carries out the action. Kant’s argument that to act in the morally right way one must act purely from duty begins with an argument that the highest good must be both good in itself and good without qualification. Something is â€Å"good in itself† when it is intrinsically good, and â€Å"good without qualification†, when the addition of that thing never makes a situation ethically worse. Kant then argues that those things that are usually thought to be good, such as intelligence, perseverance and pleasure, fail to be either intrinsically good or good without qualification. Pleasure, for example, appears not to be good without qualification, because when people take pleasure in watching someone suffering, this seems to make the situation ethically worse. He concludes that there is only one thing that is truly good: Nothing in the world—indeed nothing even beyond the world—can possibly be conceived which could be called good without qualification except a good will. [7] Kant then argues that the consequences of an act of willing cannot be used to determine that the person has a good will; good consequences could arise by accident from an action that was motivated by a desire to cause harm to an innocent person, and bad consequences could arise from an action that was well-motivated. Instead, he claims, a person has a good will when he ‘acts out of respect for the moral law’. [7] People ‘act out of respect for the moral law’ when they act in some way because they have a duty to do so. So, the only thing that is truly good in itself is a good will, and a good will is only good when the willer chooses to do something because it is that person’s duty, i. e. out of â€Å"respect† for the law. He defines respect as â€Å"the concept of a worth which thwarts my self-love. â€Å"[8] Kant’s two significant formulations of the categorical imperative are: Act only according to that maxim by which you can also will that it would become a universal law. Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Responce to Barthes Essay Camera Lucida †Photography Essay

Responce to Barthes Essay Camera Lucida – Photography Essay Free Online Research Papers Responce to Barthes Essay Camera Lucida English In Barthe’s essay â€Å"Camera Lucida†, we see an analysis of the photo in terms of the studium and the punctum. The studium for the most part produces the unary photo, which merely reproduces ‘reality’ or a single uniform idea, whereas the presence of a punctum means this cohesiveness is fragmented, disturbed. This punctum may be something outside the control of the photographer, which escapes the encompassing ‘meaning’ of the photo and adds more to it in our subjective view. The punctum, then, is very personal, and could be different for everyone. So in say Timothy O’Sullivan’s Desert Sand Hills, the punctum is the sets of footprints that lead towards me and signal the presence of the person behind the camera, breaking up the unary ‘reality’ of the photo and bringing the method of its production to the fore the fact that it is not unadulterated ‘reality’ but is a recreation, a representation, carefully set up and staged maybe more than once. It exposes the falsity, the ‘staginess’ of the image, and makes it more interesting, maybe more likeable and accessible, and make s me think or critique, not just observe. Research Papers on Responce to Barthe's Essay Camera Lucida - Photography EssayAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementWhere Wild and West MeetMind TravelIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalBringing Democracy to AfricaEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanThe Spring and AutumnAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Monday, October 21, 2019

Franz Liszt Bio & Analysis essays

Franz Liszt Bio & Analysis essays An Abb, honorary canon of Albano, a sincere mystic and at the same time one of historys most publicized lovers, incredible showman, hypnotic virtuoso, astonishing amalgam of magician, zealot and philanthropist, Liszt is easily the most colorful personality in the history of music (Lieberson 256.) From his dazzling beginning in the musical circles of Vienna as a child prodigy of eleven years old, Ferenc (Franz) Liszt would establish himself as the leading piano virtuoso and one of the foremost progressive forces in music of his day. Franz Liszt was born in Raiding, Hungary (now part of Austria) about thirty miles from Vienna, Austria (Longyear 105.) His Father was steward to the family of Esterhazy and a good amateur musician; consequently, he was also Liszts first piano teacher. Young Liszts extraordinary abilities were recognized without delay and he was soon taken to Vienna to study piano under Czerny and composition under Salieri (the former teacher of Schubert, an acquaintance of Liszts.) His phenomenal aptitude for the piano at the age of eleven was greeted with a kiss from Beethoven, and praised endlessly by the musical circles of the day. In 1823, Liszt went to Paris, where he studied music theory and composition (Politoske 1.) The French immediately recognized him as a brilliant performer with an almost uncanny ability to improvise on the keyboard. He had once wanted to become a priest, but inspired by the success of Niccolo Paganini, he then worked to become as much a master of the piano as Paganin i was of the violin. Soon he became in touch and at home with Parisian culture, fully immersing himself in the society, literature, and art with friends such as writers Hugo, Lamartine, George Sand, Sainte-Beuve and painters like Delacroix. He also met the Countess Marie d'Agoult, the writer known as Daniel Stern, who was his mistress from 1835 until 1844 and the mother of his daught...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Media Students and Vietnam essays

Media Students and Vietnam essays To many, the Vietnam War symbolizes controversy, myth and question in America. There are many events that made Americans wonder what reasons we had for putting our troops and families in Vietnam. Up till that point, many other Americans had never questioned the acts of the American government and armed forces. Issues dealt with in the Vietnam War showed great impact on the American people, particularly the students. American involvement started off very low key. Two marine battalions landed in Da Nang on March 8, 1965 (Doyle, Lipsman). They were not fighting a war yet, though a war was going on in the very country that they were in. Their job was to merely protect an air field in Da Nang, not look for trouble or initiate any kind of war tactics. But soon, holding off the enemy was not so easy for the American soldiers, and more troops were sent in. This continued on, and when May rolled around there were 46,000 American Troops in Vietnam (Doyle, Lipsman). It was at this time when American troops were then given the "permit to use more active defense," and soon after, the number soared to 82,000 American troops in Vietnam (Doyle, Lipsman). From there, the American defense quickly turned into an offense, and transportation flights turned in to rescue missions. This was about the time that Americans at home began to become worried that the war in Vietnam was getting out of hand. Small protests broke out amongst college students across America, but these began to become very serious. On April 17, 1965 The Students for a Democratic Society organized a national protest on the steps of the capitol in Washington D.C. (Doyle, Lipsman). Television coverage enraged people by misleading facts and disturbing war images of troops killing women and children. Frustration in America grew and riots and protests got out of hand as no questions seemed to be answered. Students protested and gathered, building rage against the war sp...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Attention Span of the Preschool Child Research Paper

The Attention Span of the Preschool Child - Research Paper Example He was wearing a navy t-shirt, khaki shorts, plain white socks and white tennis shoes. He paid no attention whatsoever to his clothing during the period of observation. He was accompanied by his mother, a young woman who referred to him exclusively as â€Å"Pumpkin†. I observed Pumpkin run, walk, climb a short ladder, slide down a small twisty slide and write legible letters in dirt with a stick, as well as drawing various human and animal figures and numbers. His physical development and coordination seemed appropriate to his age, perhaps slightly advanced but not significantly so. Pumpkin did not appear to derive the same degree of satisfaction with his playground exploits as did the other children in his age range, and only climbed the ladder to the slide at the insistence of his mother. At no point did Pumpkin interact in a sustained way with any children his own age on the playground. I observed some fantasy play, but no cooperative or parallel play during this period. Pu mpkin engaged exclusively in solitary play for the duration, with occasional attempts to engage his mother's attention. Pumpkin interacted only with his mother during the course of the observation. He was very independent throughout, and showed no discomfort or significant displeasure at any point. He appeared to have fostered a healthy and secure attachment to his mother, and was comfortable venturing a reasonable distance away from her. Pumpkin was fairly polite with his mother, asking, â€Å"Please help me write this† and so on. His mother made several attempts to redirect Pumpkin toward the playground before he gave up and went back to entertaining himself by writing in the dirt. I observed some fairly sophisticated grammar from Pumpkin during this time period. Most notable about his speech was that despite the complexity and length of his statements, the sound /r/ was entirely absent. This made even sophisticated phrasing sound very juvenile at times. Much of Pumpkin's s peech was directed toward himself, in the form of questions and answers (â€Å"What do we call animals who eat plants? Animals who eat plants are called 'herbivores'.†) as well as running commentary about what he was drawing (â€Å"I'm a friendly triceratops, I like to run fast and I have three horns on my face.†) Pumpkin engaged in running commentary at every stage of self-directed play. A smaller portion of his speech was directed toward his mother, usually in the form of a question such as "How do you spell 'diplodocus'," or "How many groups have more than three?" His mother usually responded only by repeating the question back to Pumpkin, smiling and saying, "That's nice, Pumpkin", or with a non-committal hum as she continued working on a crossword puzzle. When I began my observation, Pumpkin's mother had just convinced him to climb the slide. As soon as he got to the bottom, he began drawing with a stick and did not stop before I completed my observations. During his drawing time, Pumpkin drew dinosaurs, dinosaur footprints, letters, numbers, and circles (around â€Å"groups†). His favorite number was 3. This observation leads me to believe that Pumpkin is not a typical preschooler. His attention span was extremely long, and his choice of activities did not align with those of his age mates. At no point did he attempt to engage any children of his own age in play, though he seemed perfectly comfortable speaking with his mother and seemed aware of the other children (if not particularly interested in them).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Engaging with professional Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Engaging with professional Practice - Essay Example Learners get to acknowledge technical necessities and cultural atmospheres prevailing in a given industry. Such cultural aspects include professional language use, interpersonal relationship patterns and management structures adopted within a given sector. In this case, one learns about integration of theoretical knowledge in actual productive activities. In addition, interests developed enhance stimulation in academic progress. According to Raelin (2008), work based learning provides a mechanism through which students evaluated relevance of their courses in practical economic environments. This essay features on a work based learning program undertaken within the design industry. In the recent past, design industry features as one sector in production with a developed profile and defined roles in facilitating macro economic growth within any nation. In the United Kingdom, design industry plays a supplementary but essential role in ensuring success of other business organizations in the region. According to Cooper and Press (2012), the general services offered by designers revolve around the desire to create conventional and appealing representation of a particular object or message to target audience. Design may include graphical representation of industrial processes, final products or messages providing an insight on the nature of services offered by a given firm. Comstock (2009) say that designers usually incorporate all parameters and activities of a given business organization in developing the most appropriate graphical representation of a subject under consideration. In this context, one can appreciate the fact that designers strive to achieve a substantial degree of aesthetic value and a sense of functionality in their final products. Within the UK market, there are numerous designing sectors including web design, fashion design and even industrial process design. The paper narrows down to a sub sector of designing dealing with architectural and physic al infrastructure design. After my second year of studies, I had an opportunity of conducting my work based learning at Capita Architectural organization, a company located in the central business district of London. Capita Architectural Company, commonly abbreviated as CAC, operates within the industry’s sector of building and constructions design. Founded in 1998, the company receives credit from undertaking design projects to successful companies in UK and across other parts of Europe. It works closely with the UK branding infrastructural development sector in ensuring creation of aesthetic and sustainable infrastructure. This organization usually gathers assignments dealing with customized preferences, and development of residential and business buildings across the metropolitan city. Employees working within the firm are local residents of London. The local employee population is meant to ensure that architectural designs and subsequent buildings take into consideration the local trends and the prevailing aesthetic atmospheres. According to Thompson (2012), most design tasks entail substantial utilization of technological tools, especially computer systems and other relevant electronic devices. In this case, employees within the firm are equipped with the requisite academic knowledge credential and design skills meant to facilitate competence and efficiency in their professional duties. In the process

Applied English and Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Applied English and Communications - Essay Example In addition, if one checks manuals of gadgets or equipment even if it is not made in the United States of America, it is evident that there is always an instruction part of the manual written always in English for the fact, that manufacturers are aware that this language is generally used by many individuals all throughout the world, it is also a better marketing strategy for products to be accessible for the majority of the public. English though may not be originally rooted in the ancestors of the people living in the United States of America; it has been broadly used by Americans since majority of the American population can remember. Baron termed English as the most powerful language on earth (440). It is fitting to make it the official language of the United States of America for as what Baron had stressed that English forms the glue that keeps Americans together (440). However, many still reject the idea of making English the official language of the United States for a variety of reasons; hence, others want to ban English entirely like what Baron (440-442) suggested in his work. First, Baron believes that a common language can often be the usual cause of conflict and argument (441). He cited examples like what happened in Ireland and Northern Ireland, North and South Korea, the Union and the Confederacy where civil wars and conflicts are present. Baron further adds that banning English would avoid this type of partition in America at present (441). Contrary to this argument, I believe that misunderstanding can happen whether or not people use a common language or not, the popular conflicts in history involve persons of different cultures and beliefs; hence, people who use different languages and it is a fact that miscommunication is often the root of confusion. How can one stop disagreement and encourage conversation and peace when people just cannot merely understand each other? Second, Baron emphasized that if English was banned, the United States of A merica would not have to worry what kind of English, i.e. the English of England or America, the English of New York or Chicago, the English of Ross Perot or William Buckley, will be its official language (441). This however was contradicted in a way by Lewis in his work that what should be utilized as the official language of the United States of America is the Standard English (436). English should also be forbidden for the fact that no one barely reads it or even spell it, according to Baron, even English instructors have come to rely on computer spell checkers. He further adds that it is not a pure language anymore since most of its words were a product of the combination of different languages like French, Latin, Italian, Arabic, Sanskrit, Latin, Celtic, Yiddish, Chinese and Scandinavian. Moreover, English is becoming a world language. It is starting to be on everybody’s tongue and then one day people will just wake up that it is no longer existing just like what happene d to the universal languages in world history such as Latin, Greek and Indo-European and to prevent this kind of future disappointment, it would be better to simply ban English (Baron 442). I think that the said languages failed to continue its existence on every human being’s tongue for many different factors, such as probably another language was proven more effective; the real cause however, will still be unknown. In the end, Baron however, indirectly showed that English is irreplaceable and his statements

Summary of Night Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary of Night - Essay Example During the time before Wiesel’s incident in the holocaust, he and his father experience a far-off association that is short of communication and incredible amount of assistance. Ultimately, the bond between Wiesel and his father gets stronger as they depend on one another for comfort and support (Wiesel, 2006). This paper will be a summary of Night. Wiesel’s account of the association he shares with Chlomo, his father, before the holocaust, highlights that the relationship is remote and is short of the bond a son and father frequently own. At the start of the book, Wiesel describes his father as a man who does not care about his family, and instead, cares about his work. It is obvious Wiesel feels that his father is spending too much time to delight other people and less time with his family or him. When Wiesel wants to pursue his faith with extreme searching, his father writes him off as being extremely young. It is clear that both Wiesel and his father are not as inti mate as they should be in the period prior to the Holocaust (Wiesel, 2006). At times, this may be because of taking bonds for granted. Wiesel’s father feels that his actions are in the best consequence of the family. He does this by caring about his status in the society and working hard at the store. Maybe he thinks that his family will last forever. Also, Wiesel largely cares about learning his faith and uses a lot of his time with Moshe the Beadle, his mentor, and at the synagogue. Wiesel seeks the mentorship of a different guide to help him in his learning, instead of his father. This should be a period Wiesel and his father develop a strong bond. In contrast, the bond does not develop. Wiesel feels his father is a trouble to him, and he is guilty about this sentiment (Wiesel, 2006). Wiesel starts to perceive his father as an important person that he does not want to lose when his family is captured and put into cattle vans. When they reach at Birkenau and leave the vehic les, children and women are directed to go to the left side, and men are told to go to the right side. Wiesel is at an intermediate age. He can choose to go with the children and his mother, but as an alternative, he chooses to remain with his father who may remain alone. This significant choice holds the Wiesel and his father together for the rest of the book. The connection that Wiesel holds with his father during their hardships and pains at Buna and Birkenau is one of many son and father relations highlighted in the book (Wiesel, 2006). The sentiments between Wiesel and his father is unique in the midst of the other relationships illustrated I the story. It is astounding to see how Wiesel maintains such stout sentiments of resilience and love towards his father in the Holocaust While other individuals kill, mistreat, or abandon their own. Wiesel points out, on three different instances, stories of young men terribly abusing their fathers. The first instance occurs at Buna. This is where one of the young Pipel’s is seen abusing his father because his father has not made his bed in a proper way. The second instance occurs on the demise walk from Buna to Gleiwitz. Here, a son sprints ahead of his father, abandoning him for dead. Finally, on a train to Buchenwald, a fight emerges between the captives. There is an old man who emerges from the fight with a piece of bread. His son grabs him beating him

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Has the Global Financial Crisis lead to fundamental change in the Essay - 1

Has the Global Financial Crisis lead to fundamental change in the relationship between government and business - Essay Example Business is one segment in which governments made some policy changes in order to strengthen the business activities in a controlled manner. In some sectors governments imposed more restrictions whereas in some other sectors government liberalized the rules and assisted the business people to come out from the recession. For example, governments put more control on the activities of financial institutions like banks whereas they assisted other business entities like the automobile sectors in order to save that sector from total destruction. In other words, the relationship between the government and different business entities has undergone contrasting changes because of recession. This paper analyses the extent of changes happened in relationships between the governments and the business because of recession. The relationship between government and business is important both for the government and the business groups. Governments are primarily operating for safeguarding the interests of the people whereas business always works on making profits. Business always tries to exploit the public resources injudiciously to increase their profits. In other words, the interests of public and business are often contradictory and may not go hand in hand. Governments are fixing the boundaries or the norms in order to reach a compromise between the interests of the people and the interests of business. Government need to protect the interests of both. In order to grow economically, business activities should be increased and for that purpose, more liberalized rules are essential. At the same time, these liberalized rules should never affect the public interest negatively. Thus governments are acting as a bridge between the people and business ensuring that either the people or the business taking any undue advantages. According to the renowned economist John Maynard Keynes, a purely free market system would tend to

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga - Essay Example Balram is a boy with little education and the urge to break away from the life of poverty and misery into which he is born. As Balram Halwai is thrust into the glittering life of the rich in India’s capital, the difference between those in his station in life and that of his employers is sharply brought into focus. This is the turning point, and it is the humiliations and injustices that he faces that finally push him into using any means to escape into a better life. As he explains "In the old days there were one thousand India. These days, there are just two castes: Men with Big Bellies, and Men with Small Bellies."(pg 64) Balram is determined to do whatever it takes to become a big-bellied man, and to this end, he resorts to bribing the police, bending the rules or even worse. After all he has learnt these lessons from his rich masters themselves! I think the protagonist of Aravind Adiga’s novel is an entrepreneur. He has most of the qualities that are re quired for entrepreneurship. Balram himself lists these when he says â€Å"The Indian entrepreneur has to be straight and crooked, mocking and believing, sly and sincere at the same time.†(pg 9) Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." (Albert Einstein Quotes) and Balram Halwai echoes this when he swears by his favourite poet Iqbal’s words â€Å"They remain slaves because they cannot see what is beautiful.† (pg 40)... His ability to think on his feet is sharply brought into focus when he alone is able to answer the inspector’s questions. His ability to recall things he has seen, read and overheard and his intuition about the way they fit into the scheme of things is what is appreciated by the inspector who sees a bright future for the village lad. Balram calls himself a â€Å"half baked fellow’’ because he has only a few years of schooling, and further adds that â€Å"entrepreneurs are made from half baked clay.† (pg 11) Balram Halwai’s ability to take life as it comes and seize opportunity whenever it arises is amply displayed as he eavesdrops on conversations at the teashops where he is forced to work, and uses the scraps of knowledge thus gained to educate himself on the goings on in the world around him. He puts it very succinctly when he says â€Å"I am a man of action and change†. Overhearing that drivers were paid well and they were required in lar ge numbers in the coal mining town of Dhanbad where he works in a teashop, the boy cajoled his granny into giving him the money he needed to learn how to drive a car. Although he knew that the driver who taught him was taking advantage of him and making him spend a lot of his time doing free repair jobs on taxis; he stuck to his resolve to learn driving and mastered it. Having mastered driving skills was only a beginning, he had to get a driver’s job in an environment where merit was no criterion. Caught up as he is, in the morass of corruption, inequality and poverty, he bides his time and waits for the right opening to press home the advantage. Knowing the right people and greasing the right palms was how one got a job, and the poor lad was a nobody and had no help in that department. His intuition and ability

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Summary of Night Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary of Night - Essay Example During the time before Wiesel’s incident in the holocaust, he and his father experience a far-off association that is short of communication and incredible amount of assistance. Ultimately, the bond between Wiesel and his father gets stronger as they depend on one another for comfort and support (Wiesel, 2006). This paper will be a summary of Night. Wiesel’s account of the association he shares with Chlomo, his father, before the holocaust, highlights that the relationship is remote and is short of the bond a son and father frequently own. At the start of the book, Wiesel describes his father as a man who does not care about his family, and instead, cares about his work. It is obvious Wiesel feels that his father is spending too much time to delight other people and less time with his family or him. When Wiesel wants to pursue his faith with extreme searching, his father writes him off as being extremely young. It is clear that both Wiesel and his father are not as inti mate as they should be in the period prior to the Holocaust (Wiesel, 2006). At times, this may be because of taking bonds for granted. Wiesel’s father feels that his actions are in the best consequence of the family. He does this by caring about his status in the society and working hard at the store. Maybe he thinks that his family will last forever. Also, Wiesel largely cares about learning his faith and uses a lot of his time with Moshe the Beadle, his mentor, and at the synagogue. Wiesel seeks the mentorship of a different guide to help him in his learning, instead of his father. This should be a period Wiesel and his father develop a strong bond. In contrast, the bond does not develop. Wiesel feels his father is a trouble to him, and he is guilty about this sentiment (Wiesel, 2006). Wiesel starts to perceive his father as an important person that he does not want to lose when his family is captured and put into cattle vans. When they reach at Birkenau and leave the vehic les, children and women are directed to go to the left side, and men are told to go to the right side. Wiesel is at an intermediate age. He can choose to go with the children and his mother, but as an alternative, he chooses to remain with his father who may remain alone. This significant choice holds the Wiesel and his father together for the rest of the book. The connection that Wiesel holds with his father during their hardships and pains at Buna and Birkenau is one of many son and father relations highlighted in the book (Wiesel, 2006). The sentiments between Wiesel and his father is unique in the midst of the other relationships illustrated I the story. It is astounding to see how Wiesel maintains such stout sentiments of resilience and love towards his father in the Holocaust While other individuals kill, mistreat, or abandon their own. Wiesel points out, on three different instances, stories of young men terribly abusing their fathers. The first instance occurs at Buna. This is where one of the young Pipel’s is seen abusing his father because his father has not made his bed in a proper way. The second instance occurs on the demise walk from Buna to Gleiwitz. Here, a son sprints ahead of his father, abandoning him for dead. Finally, on a train to Buchenwald, a fight emerges between the captives. There is an old man who emerges from the fight with a piece of bread. His son grabs him beating him

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga - Essay Example Balram is a boy with little education and the urge to break away from the life of poverty and misery into which he is born. As Balram Halwai is thrust into the glittering life of the rich in India’s capital, the difference between those in his station in life and that of his employers is sharply brought into focus. This is the turning point, and it is the humiliations and injustices that he faces that finally push him into using any means to escape into a better life. As he explains "In the old days there were one thousand India. These days, there are just two castes: Men with Big Bellies, and Men with Small Bellies."(pg 64) Balram is determined to do whatever it takes to become a big-bellied man, and to this end, he resorts to bribing the police, bending the rules or even worse. After all he has learnt these lessons from his rich masters themselves! I think the protagonist of Aravind Adiga’s novel is an entrepreneur. He has most of the qualities that are re quired for entrepreneurship. Balram himself lists these when he says â€Å"The Indian entrepreneur has to be straight and crooked, mocking and believing, sly and sincere at the same time.†(pg 9) Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." (Albert Einstein Quotes) and Balram Halwai echoes this when he swears by his favourite poet Iqbal’s words â€Å"They remain slaves because they cannot see what is beautiful.† (pg 40)... His ability to think on his feet is sharply brought into focus when he alone is able to answer the inspector’s questions. His ability to recall things he has seen, read and overheard and his intuition about the way they fit into the scheme of things is what is appreciated by the inspector who sees a bright future for the village lad. Balram calls himself a â€Å"half baked fellow’’ because he has only a few years of schooling, and further adds that â€Å"entrepreneurs are made from half baked clay.† (pg 11) Balram Halwai’s ability to take life as it comes and seize opportunity whenever it arises is amply displayed as he eavesdrops on conversations at the teashops where he is forced to work, and uses the scraps of knowledge thus gained to educate himself on the goings on in the world around him. He puts it very succinctly when he says â€Å"I am a man of action and change†. Overhearing that drivers were paid well and they were required in lar ge numbers in the coal mining town of Dhanbad where he works in a teashop, the boy cajoled his granny into giving him the money he needed to learn how to drive a car. Although he knew that the driver who taught him was taking advantage of him and making him spend a lot of his time doing free repair jobs on taxis; he stuck to his resolve to learn driving and mastered it. Having mastered driving skills was only a beginning, he had to get a driver’s job in an environment where merit was no criterion. Caught up as he is, in the morass of corruption, inequality and poverty, he bides his time and waits for the right opening to press home the advantage. Knowing the right people and greasing the right palms was how one got a job, and the poor lad was a nobody and had no help in that department. His intuition and ability

Techniques in marketing products Essay Example for Free

Techniques in marketing products Essay 1. Intro to company product or service chosen for evaluation. The company I have chosen is Tesco PLC and service provided by them which is Tesco Mobiles established in May 2003. Service mentioned above is a mobile virtual network operator. The type of the company is private and owned by Tesco Mobile Services Ltd in 45%, Tesco Mobile Communications Ltd by another 45% and O2 Communications Ltd by 10%. Products provided by the company are mobile telecommunications. Another important point I would like to consider is that Tesco’s mobile services run on the O2 network in the United Kingdom. 2. Explanation of the marketing strategy used to market the product/service. Tesco Mobiles concern based its strategy on Ansoff’s Matrix diagram attached below and the one used by them is market penetration. Strategy used currently by Tesco Mobile Company is definitely less risky than it used to be at the beginning as the diversification which is less predictable, expect more work and more time. One of the reasons why that is a market penetration is that they established the company in 2003 so currently they are already 12 years in a business environment. Market penetration is mainly defined as an activity of growing the market share of a present product. Tesco Mobiles is perfect example for a market penetration as they are providing already existing product on the existing market. It used to be diversification for Tesco at the beginning because the concern is mainly recognized by groceries not electronic accessories but currently as it already exists for so long we can define it as a market penetration. However Tesco Mobiles is currently using market penetration to measure the amount of adoption or sales of a service or product which is associated to the total theoretical market for that service or product. 3. Explanation of TWO risks of the marketing strategy. So far market penetration strategy seems like safe way to keep the sale of the product and make profit on it. However this strategy does not work for all of the products provided by the company. Market penetration focuses on the low prices at the same point to increase market share and demand for a product. When demand for the product increase then concern can save money on  production costs per unit by making a greater amount of the product. There are missed opportunities when the company provides good quality, luxury products when in a market same products with less quality are already provided as a cheap purchase. At the end of the day even when the company decrease the price of the luxury product and raise it step by step later on customer probably may go elsewhere when for them seems the same product is cheaper. Second point of the risky way of a market penetration I would like to consider is poor company image. When company focuses on the market penetration of one product it can hurt or decrease sale of the other products provided by them. If company which is providing high quality product will focus on a cheap sale in a market penetration then image and reputation of the luxury producer can without any doubt suffer. 4. Analyse of FOUR advantages of the marketing strategy. There are absolutely more advantages than disadvantages found in a market penetration. Firstly as the product will attempt to the already existing market as already existing product the result of this may be quick adoption and diffusion of the product in the market. Another point worthy to consider is discourage competitors. When for example Tesco provides existing product into existing market that Sainsbury’s got already it may interest the customers and bring them back to Tesco by the more attractive price or look of a product. Third advantage presented by the market penetration is high product turnover. In the situation when there is high product turnover in terms of fast sales retailers are forced to order more from the suppliers which at the same time give more profit to the suppliers. To conclude advantages of the market penetration the last point likely to provide is raising profitability. Market penetration is mainly know and defined as the way of selling current services and product to already existing target market which makes it profitable and least risky through all of the Ansoff’s Matrix strategies. 5. Critical analysis of two other strategies that won’t be useful for the product/service and why? Two other strategies that I would like to mention and use them as the ones I will not provide are diversification and product development. Diversification is a strategy which enter new industry or market and that is  the most risky strategy for the business. There are several disadvantages of diversification. As the diversification does not provide that much protection while investing money into something new people does not always feel confident to actually purchase the product before someone else will recommend it. However if the company will experience any loses while performing diversification during the market consolidation then in result some business units might be subsidized. Another strategy that in my own opinion will not be useful is product development which brings new product to existing market. In case of this strategy company might experience and sometimes is very likely to have product failure. As the product is ‘’first-time’’ mover in a new market and obviously people same like in case of diversification might not feel confident to purchase the product. However company must be concerned of target audience for their new product which has no experience in sale yet.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Animal Farm: An Analysis

Animal Farm: An Analysis ‘Animal Farm’ is a novel based on the Russian Revolution, about a group of animals wanting to rebel against man. Snowball a smart, fair and strong leader gets ruled over by Napoleon, an unfair and selfish leader. This was the first error in the rebellion. Snowball would have defiantly made a better leader than Napoleon. The reasons for this are that he educated the animals, had future economic plans and knew how to keep a fair and smart community. Snowball genuinely believes in Old Majors message of animal equality and shared sacrifice for shared gain, and so his ideas represent an attempt to create an equally working farm. Although he shares the early luxuries of the pigs, such as the milk and apples which are kept from the other animals, he tries to make things better for the other animals with technological advances like the windmill. Napoleon on the other hand was a quite a contrary image, he was selfish cruel and corrupt. He would think of his and the pigs interest first and then that of the other animals and the farm. His way of ruling was inequality, completely contrary to the teachings of the Old Major and the Seven Commandments. Napoleon can be equated to Napoleon Bonaparte for his high ambition and his rule by fear and force. This political satire gives insight into two types of leadership; the democratic, Snowball, and the narcissist, Napoleon. They were both leaders of the revolution that happened at the farm in the beginning of the story. Napoleon is seen as the quite one who spoke rarely and only when absolutely required. Snowball on the other hand was a charmer and was able to capture the attention of the crowd with his words. He was full of new ideas to improve the way of life in the farm. As history has proven a narcissist leader, for example Adolf Hitler, is never a good leader. For someone to become a good leader the person has to care about all of the people he is representing but when someone only cares about themselves they will become corrupt and soon their ruling will end terribly. Snowball was devoted to the commandments and encouraged the animals to follow it to the dot. He tries methods to improve the way the animals lived by starting various clubs and trying to teach the animals to read and write. Napoleon on the other hand just adopts a few pups and teaches them on private. No one in the farm knows what he is up to. A very important factor in their leadership of the farm was that they never agreed with each other. Whenever, Snowball came out with his elaborate schemes to improve farm life Napoleon stood against it. However, most of the time Snowball was able to win over the support of the animals with his charismatic personality and play with words. He was able to win them over with comforting talk and some amount of reasoning. He tried to get the animals involved in the decision making through a voting system and thus had a more participative approach to running the farm. Napoleon on the other hand preferred to dictate and direct things. He was not good at getting the animals on his side with his talk. Because he knew that he would not be in leadership of the farm will Snowball was around he got rid of Snowball. He uses another pig called Squealer to speak on his behalf and mislead the animals into believing that everything Snowball did was harmful. Squealer was also used to tell great tales about Napoleon. Napoleon’s autocratic style of leadership, with lies and tales leading the farm, leave the animals confused. However, they carry on with their work more passionately than ever. He is a narcissist who makes the animals work mainly for his own benefit. When a comparison is made between the leadership of these two pigs Snowball comes out as a democratic leader while Napoleon comes out as a dictator. Snowball came out with good ideas and always presented it to the animals for a vote. He is a leader who is able to raise the entire group, including himself, into higher levels of morality, motivation and motives. He raised the motivational level of the farm animals with his inspiring speeches and led them to work and fight for liberty and the betterment of the farm in which he too actively participated. On the other hand Napoleon was corrupt and with false claims he forced his decisions on the animals. There was no voting or any suggestions taken from the animals. They were led to believe that everything that was happening was for their own good and made to do double work with lesser pay. Everything he did finally ended up in benefiting him and the pigs but not the other animals of the farm. Because Napoleon only cared about himself he could not become the greater leader on the farm. Snowball thought of all the animals as equal and helped the animals but Napoleon only corrupts the animals to get whatever he wanted. A narcissist style of leadership is never a good way to rule because sooner or later the people that the leader is ruling over will find out about his corrupt ways and kick the leader out of his ruling. Overall Snowball was a better leader than Napoleon. Snowball showed lots of the attributes of a good leader. He was a good speaker and listener, fair, gave constructive criticism and was a role model to the other animals. On Sundays when the animals had their meetings Snowball would give great speeches and make proposals on ways to make the Animal Farm a better place. He declared notes to make sure everyone agreed and listened to other people’s opinions. However, Napoleon eventually decided to cancel all Sunday meetings and make his own decisions without discussing. If animals spoke up and disagreed they would most likely be slaughtered by Napoleons guard dogs. This is against all morals of good leadership. Snowball also educated the animals so that they could achieve more and teach their next generations. Snowball was a much better leader than Napoleon because he enforced education whereas Napoleon thought it was unnecessary. Education is the key to nearly everything and if t he animals could read and write they would be able to help out more on the farm and they would get a better understanding of what is going on. They could read books on how to run a farm and on the world as well and write things to other animals or people. The most important difference between these two animal leaders is not their behavior but their beliefs, Snowball believing in what could be described as Democratic Communism and Napoleon following Dictatorship. This major difference between the ideas of these two pigs led to the abolishment and defaming of Snowball by Napoleon and his dogs. The time when Snowball was in Animal Farm the animals saw prosperity and peace, because their leader wanted to give the animals a better life than in that of Joness time. But Our Leader, comrade Napoleon(pg. 69) cared for no one else but himself and power, he gave the lower rations to the animals than what they received when Jones was their master. Earlier the animals used to vote on issues but with the expulsion of Snowball their voting rights and also the meeting on Sundays were abolished, their inspiration Beasts of England was forbidden, the animals were brought under slavery again without their knowledge. The opposing leaders in Animal Farm Napoleon and Snowball were always contrary to each other and had nothing in common other than the fact that they were both good leaders. Snowball has some lead over Napoleon in the sense that he was a much better speaker than Napoleon was and he knew how to convince the animals. He was an altruistic leader who showed courage and gave moral support to the animals. For an example, when Boxer had injured a stable hand and everybody thought he was dead Snowball cheered them saying, No sentimentality, comrade a war is war(Orwell pg. 49). He really believed that all animals are equal and acted and worked for the comfort of his comrades, he was a hero. Snowball is a careful and deliberate thinker and possesses a sharp intellect and talent for planning and design, the characteristics that Napoleon later takes advantage of. He is open to new ideas and not easily manipulated, again things that Napoleon cannot accept and reasons why he later drives him from the farm. His expertise is later seen as a threat by Napoleon who will continue to use him as a scapegoat after he drives him off the farm. Snowball has great ideas, he wants to unify and educate the animals. Snowball acts with great bravery and courage going into the Battle of Cowshed with great strategy and self-sacrifice. If we desire a society of peace, then we cannot achieve such a society through violence. If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society. If we desire a society that is democratic, then democracy must become a means as well as an end.  

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Salem Witch Trials, the Crucible, and McCarthyism :: Arthur Miller McCarthyism

The Salem Witch Trials, the Crucible, and McCarthyism Historical Overview and Brief Analysis Amidst millenniums of debate, argument, and conflict concerning racial prejudges and those issues which surround their implementation, there has consistently existed a certain historical prejudice regarding various stereotypical ideas for those things which people cannot understand or explain logically. While more contemporary examples of such circumstances include concepts such as McCarthyism, it is generally accepted that the most classic example of all such social tragedies based on fear and ignorance is that of the colonial era's Salem Witch Trials. While McCarthyism was illustrated as a widespread fear of communism that led the United States to pursue unnecessary investigations, imprisonments, and often unprovoked acts against those who were often only remotely accused of being a "dreaded communist", the Salem witch trials led to well over a dozen executions of local women accused of practicing witchcraft and directly associating themselves with "evil magic". Although the two historical periods were parallel in their nature and content, it can be argued the much earlier witch trials were the more severely inhumane and irrational as they rendered a constant trend of senseless deaths with little or no justice ever prevailing. The Salem witch trials were held during the year 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Beginning in May of that year, the proceedings led to the hanging deaths of nineteen suspected witches and the imprisonment of many others over the five months that would follow. The courtroom episodes of those being tried for witchery were complete, and utter travesties of justice. Women were actually considered guilty as accused until proven innocent. In addition to the known hangings, other cruel forms of punishment such as the burning of "witches" on a stake and the slow torturous human crushings by brick are evidenced to have existed as Salem's "justice" for their alleged witches. (Brown., Pages 37-41;43). That which is said to have initiated the trials and related hysteria has become an historical irony in our time and is the subject of many contemporary jokes and theatrical performances. Caused by the accusations of a few young girls against women in the Salem community; a special court was convened; and trials grew quickly into socially stereotypical prejudices regarding any women seen acting out of or performing "witchery". Within time the social chaos did not even exclude Salem's more prestigious women as the local governors wife was even implicated in accusations of witchcraft.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Helen Keller Essay -- Helen Keller Blind Mute Death Essays Bio

Helen Keller Imagine a life without being able to see or hear and not knowing how to communicate with anyone around you. That world of darkness is what Helen Keller lived in for six years. Helen Keller has been an inspiration to people ever since she turned six. From 1886-1960, she proved herself to be a creative and inspiring woman of America. She was a writer and lecturer who fought for the rights of disadvantaged people all over the world. Most importantly, she overcame her two most difficult obstacles, being blind and deaf. Helen Keller devoted her life to improving the education and treatment of the blind, deaf, and mute and fighting for minorities as well. Miss Keller was one of the first to educate the public and make them aware of inflicted individuals' potential. Because of her persistence and strength, she is considered a creative and unique spirit by many people of the world, especially those who can relate to her physical impairments. Helen Keller was born a healthy child. When Helen was 19 months old, she became ill with what was known as acute congestion of the brain and stomach; this is now known as scarlet fever. As a result, she was left blind, deaf, and mute. For many of her earlier years Helen lived in darkness with very few ways to communicate with others around her. Obviously her attempts were not always successful. When she failed to communicate she would throw fits and have outburst that would upset not only her, but her family as well. Because of these violent fits, she appeared to be a very unruly child, but underneath all of the tragedy was a future inspirational figure that would surprise the world with amazing and countless abilities. A large amount of Helen's accomplishments would not have been possible if it weren't for her mother and father. Her parents read about Samuel Gridley Howe's accomplishments with the deaf and blind at the Perkins Institution in Boston. With this knowledge, her father brought his daughter to Alexander Graham Bell, a family friend who was well known in society. Bell was so fascinated by six year old Helen that he recommended that she contact the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston. Anne Sullivan, who was also a recent Perkins graduate, was suggested to be Helen's teacher by Michael Anagnos. Michael Anagnos was the professor of Samuel Gridley Howe, a gentleman who ... ...ce movement before World War I. Many agencies and institutions have been named after Helen Keller as well. Helen Keller International was set-up to fight blindness in the world. Currently, Helen Keller International is one of the biggest organizations that works with the blind overseas ("The Life" 3). In 1986, the Industrial Home for the Blind was renamed to Helen Keller Services for the Blind. This agency provides special services for the blind in New York. Because of her attempts and struggles, the blind now have better care, training, and employment. "I am a beneficiary of her work. Because of her example, the world has given way a little," says David Jackson, a blind jazz singer (Shuur 2). Works Cited Ashby, Ruth, and Deborah Gore Orhn. Herstory. New York: The Penguin Group, 1995. Briggs, ASA. A Dictionary of 20th Century World Biographies. New York: Oxford, 1992. Shuur, Diane. "The Miracle: Helen Keller." Time. 1999 (2 Feb. 2000) "The Life of Helen Keller." RNIB. 1999 (28 Jan. 2000) "The Life of Helen Keller: An American Hero." Helen Keller International. 1999 (4 Feb. 2000)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Essential elements of a valid contract Essay

In this part of my assignment I will be detailing what the different elements of a valid contract are whilst also linking it in with my own contract. The contract I have decided to use is my mobile phone contract from Vodafone. The offer: In contract law the offer is where a person will accept the invitation, for example in my contract the offer would be when I offer to bind into their contract and purchase a mobile phone deal, and this is because they created an invitation for me to purchase a deal as they advertise their deals in various place so when I go in I offer to bind into a contract with them. Invitation to treat: An invitation to treat is usually used to get the parties started with some negotiations to result in a fair agreement for both parties involved. For example in my case with my contract it was negotiated for me to get more minutes instead of the amount of data they were offering as I would use the minutes more instead of the data so Vodafone agreed and created a contract stating what was agreed to ensure that they could not go back on their agreement. An invitation to treat does not bind someone into a contract as they are only inviting people to make an offer so if somebody was looking at something but didn’t not agree or make the owner a offer then therefore there is no agreement and no legal binding. The Acceptance: In contract law once a legal acceptance is formed a contract gets developed in which case both parties cannot back out of the agreement after the contract has been signed. There are three rules that need to be followed when creating an acceptance to ensure it is legally bound. The three rules are: The acceptance must be known and discussed with the offeree. The acceptances’ terms must match the terms of the offer exactly. The agreement needs to be certain. In the case of my phone contract it was legally bound as it follows all three  of the rules of acceptance as when I purchased the contract we discussed all aspects of the contract terms and we both knew exactly what the agreement was after the negotiations. Consideration: The consideration in contract law must be something of value by the eyes of the law this doesn’t not include things like a promise of love. A consideration is also known as the bargain of the contract where each party must receive a benefit to the contract or a disadvantage for it to be a consideration. With my contract the consideration is I get a certain amount of data, texts and minutes in exchange for money that will be paid each month. Intention to create legal relationships: The main aim of indenting to create legal relationships is to try and push out the cases that don’t necessarily need a court to help take action. This is usually the case when two friends agree to meet up somewhere or if a family member agrees to help clean the car as there is no legal agreement it is just made between the two or more parties that are involved which means that therefore there is no legal binding contract in place so the courts are unable to take any action against any of the parties. With my contract it is a legally bound contract so if for example I decided I was no longer happy and I was going to stop paying the payment that we agreed then they are entitled to take me to the courts as the contract is legally bound. Capacity: The capacity in contract law is where a person has to either be over a specific age or they have to be mentally fit and not under the influence of alcohol as if one of the parties are then the contract will become void as they will be classed as a minor or unstable to bind into a contract as they need to have a full understanding of what they are signing for. If a contract becomes void then it means there is no legal binding of that contract and therefore if something went wrong and they backed out of it the courts could not take action. With my Vodafone contract they have a capacity that nobody under the age of 18 is allowed to take out a contract as they are known as a minor but any payments can be taken out of the minors account after three payments have been made, this is to ensure that they have an  adult who is responsible for making sure all payments are going to get paid and if not it is them that will be taken to court as the contract will be in their name.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Product and Brand Management

?AFFECT OF BRANDING ON CONSUMER PURCHASE DECISION IN FMCG GOODS AND DURABLE GOODS? INTRODUCTION What is a BRAND? Brand recognition and other reactions are created by the use of the product or service and through the influence of advertising, design, and media commentary. A brand is a symbolic embodiment of all the information connected to the product and serves to create associations and expectations around it. A brand often includes a logo, fonts, color schemes, symbols, and sound, which may be developed to represent implicit values, ideas, and even personality. Concepts Marketers engaged in branding seek to develop or align the expectations behind the brand experience, creating the impression that a brand associated with a product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique. A brand image may be developed by attributing a â€Å"personality† to or associating an â€Å"image† with a product or service, whereby the personality or image is â€Å"branded† into the consciousness of consumers. A brand is therefore one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme. The art of creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management. A brand which is widely known in the marketplace acquires brand recognition. When brand recognition builds up to a point where a brand enjoys a critical mass of positive sentiment in the marketplace, it is said to have achieved brand franchise. One goal in brand recognition is the identification of a brand without the name of the company present. For example, Disney has been successful at branding with their particular script font (originally created for Walt Disney's â€Å"signature† logo) which it used in the logo for go. om. â€Å"DNA† refers to the unique attributes, essence, purpose, or profile of a brand and, therefore, a company. The term is borrowed from the biological DNA, the molecular â€Å"blueprint† or genetic profile of an organism which determines its unique characteristics. Brand equity measures the total value of the brand to the brand owner, and reflects the extent of brand franchise. The term brand name is often used interchangeably with â€Å"brand†, although it is more correctly used to specifically denote written or spoken linguistic elements of a brand. In this context a â€Å"brand name† constitutes a type of trademark, if the brand name exclusively identifies the brand owner as the commercial source of products or services. A brand owner may seek to protect proprietary rights in relation to a brand name through trademark registration. Brand energy is a concept that links together the ideas that the brand is experiential; that it is not just about the experiences of customers/potential customers but all stakeholders; and that businesses are essentially more about creating value through creating meaningful experiences than generating profit. Economic value comes from businesses ¶ transactions between people whether they be customers, employees, suppliers or other stakeholders. For such value to be created people first have to have positive associations with the business and/or its products and services and be energised to behave positively towards them  ± hence brand energy. It has been defined as â€Å"The energy that flows throughout the system that links businesses and all their stakeholders and which is manifested in the way these stakeholders think, feel and behave towards the business and its products or services. Attitude branding is the choice to represent a feeling, which is not necessarily connected with the product or consumption of the product at all. Marketing labeled as attitude branding includes that of Nike, Starbucks, The Body Shop, Safeway, and Apple Inc. â€Å"A great brand raises the bar — it adds a greater sense of purpose to the experience, whether it's the challenge to do your best in sports and fitness, or the affirmation that the cup of coffee you're drinking really matters. † – Howard Schultz (CEO, Starbucks Corp. ) The act of associating a product or service with a brand has become part of pop culture. Most products have some kind of brand identity, from common table salt to designer clothes. In non-commercial contexts, the marketing of entities which supply ideas or promises rather than product and services (e. g. political parties or religious organizations) may also be known as â€Å"branding†. OBJECTIVE OF PROJECT WORK Main Objective:The main objective of research is to analysis how the brand effects the customer purchasing decision in FMCG goods and durable goods Sub Objective:The sub objective of research is to understand the choice of the customer is branded or nonbranded goods. JUSTIFICATION FOR CHOOSING A PARTICULAR RESEARCH PROPOSAL Branding can be viewed as a tool to position a product or a service with a consistent image of quality and value for money to ensure the development of a recurring preference by the customer. It is common knowledge that the consumer ¶s choice is influenced by many surrogat es of which the simplest one is a brand name. Although there may be equally satisfying products, the consumer when satisfied with some brand does not want to spend additional effort to evaluate the other alternative choices. Once he or she has liked a part icular brand, he or she tends to stay with it, unless there is a steep rise in the price or a discernible better quality product comes to his/her knowledge, which prompts the consumer to switch the brand. Companies spend a lot of money and time on the branding and thus it needs a careful evaluation on the effect of branding on consumer buying behavior. QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Are you a brand loyal customer? ` Yes ` No 2. Which attributes did attract you to purchase branded products? Rank these attributes in order of their importance to you. ` ` Brand Name Price Easy Availability ` ` Transparent Cleanliness ` Others 3. What was the reason for the delay between the purchase decision and the actual purchase? ` ` ` Financial constraints Waiting for more innovative product Waiting for market response 4. What influenced you to buy the above stated brand(s) ? ` ` ` ` Advertising Word of mouth Attractive packaging Dealer ` Shop Display ` Family/Friend/Relatives ` Any Other 5. Influence of Brand name on purchasing decision ` ` Agree Strongly Agree ` Disagree ` Strongly disagree 6. Influence of Quality on Purchase Decision ` ` Agree Strongly Agree ` Disagree ` Strongly disagree 7. Influence of Price on Purchase Decision ` Agree ` Strongly Agree ` Disagree ` Strongly disagree 8. Influence of Product features on Purchase Decision ` ` Agree Strongly Agree ` Disagree ` Strongly disagree 9. Influence of Family members on Purchase Decision ` ` Agree Strongly Agree ` Disagree ` Strongly disagree 10. Influence of Peer group on Purchase Decision ` ` Agree Strongly Agree ` Disagree ` Strongly disagree 11. Influence of Advertisement on Purchase Decision ` Agree Strongly Agree ` Disagree ` Strongly disagree 12. Will you like to switch your brand preference if you get some promotional scheme with another brand? ` Yes ` No 13. Do you think branded products are better than unbranded products? ` Yes ` No NAME OF THE RESPONDENT: ADDRESS: EDUCATIONAL QUALITICATION: OCCUPATION: AGE: MONTHLY INCOME: 1. 100% Financial Inclusion: A Challenging Task Ahead 2. Afforestation of ARID Was telands Through Energy Plantations: A Case Study from India 3. Agribusiness Sector in Rural India and Increasing Opportunities of E -Commerce 4. Asset prices and inflation is there a predictive link 5. Back Water Tourism in Kerala: Challenges and Opportunities 6. Banking Channel Perceptions An Indian Youth perspective 7. Banking on Themselves 8. Behavioral Skills Trainings in Travel Agencies 9. Brand awareness and preference in rural markets 10. Branding for 21st Century Teenagers 11. Branding India for Health and Spiritual Tourism 12. Branding India: Strategic Challenges and Possible Approaches 2. subliminal messages in advertising and how they affect consumers.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Macro and Microeconimics, FDI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Macro and Microeconimics, FDI - Essay Example During the same time the world economy was confronted with severe economic crises, especially in the South East Asian countries and Latin America. Thus’ emerged the various criticisms regarding FDIs in developing and emerging nations. However, there have been concrete evidences about the positive effects of FDIs in countries like Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. New data from these countries suggest that FDIs have been successful in bringing about benefits to both the host economies as well as the workers in the foreign owned organizations. Africa, has been failing to exploit the advantage of foreign capital in way of not attracting FDIs Also one cannot ignore the fact that FDIs have been increasing worldwide and especially in the developing nations and that these countries have demonstrated greater growth in GDP since then. However, on the contrary the growth rate of developed nations have been comparatively lower than the developing nations abiding by the economic theory that cap ita accumulation is essential for the development of nations. The various reasons behind the contribution of FDIs in moving the developing economies towards growth would be discussed in this project. This is done by the provision of supporting evidence for the sane. Also in the present economic climate the pros and cons of implementing FDI barriers have also been analyzed in the project. Flow of global FDI in the developing and developed nations The recent economic crisis drew a lot of FDIs in the developing and emerging economies across the world. However, the impacts of FDIs have been different for different countries and regions and sectors. The economic crisis majorly affected the developed nations in the world and the FDI flows into the regions have also suffered a setback due to the sluggish market prospects. However, FDI flows into the developing nations continued to grow since 2008. But the rate had come down since the previous years as well. Researchers have put for the arg ument for this decline as an outcome of drawback of both the resource seeking and efficiency FDI aimed at being exported to the developed nations which were then going through a depression and the market seeking FDIs which aimed at serving the local markets have receded (UNCTAD, 2009, p.2). Since 1980 and 2000, the world has witnessed tremendous increase in FDI flows in various sectors and regions. According to recent statistics provided by the UNCTAD, the inward stock of FDI in the world was $0.8 trillion in 1990 while the figures were $1.95 trillion and $6.15 trillion in the years 1990 and 2000 respectively. Traditionally FDI was considered to be a phenomenon which was primarily associated with the highly developed economies of the world. Developed nations have always attracted highest shares of the foreign FDIs as compared to the developing nations. However, recently this tradition has undergone change. In recent years FDI flows in the developing nations have been greater than th e economically advanced nations. The average annual inflow of FDI in the developing countries was eight times more than the years between 1982 and 1987, and the years between 1994 and 1999. Consequently the developing countries attracted almost one-third of the entire flow of FDI in the worl

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The North Korean nuclear program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The North Korean nuclear program - Essay Example The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is an integral part of UN charter having primary responsibility of doing efforts towards maintaining international peace and security. The charter requires that a representative of each of its members must be present all the time at the UN headquarters. These representatives echo the viewpoints of the respective governments and help in smooth functioning of the Security Council. In one such meeting on 14th October 2006, the UNSC passed this resolution asking the North Korean government not to go ahead with its nuclear program. The resolution is in continuation with its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 (1993), resolution 1540 (2004) and, in particular, resolution 1695 (2006), as well as the statement of its President of 6 October 2006 (S/PRST/2006/41) seeks to reaffirm that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological arsenal constitutes grave threat for the safety and security of the world peace. UN security counc il expressed grave concern on the claim made by Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and expressed apprehension that this development might lead to further tension in the region. While announcing the successful conduct of the nuclear test, North Korean government also announced its withdrawal from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The resolution expressly demanded that;ï‚ §Ã‚  North Korea must desist from conducting any further nuclear tests or launching any ballistic missile.... These representatives echo the viewpoints of the respective governments and help in smooth functioning of the Security Council. In one such meeting on 14th October 2006, the UNSC passed this resolution asking the North Korean government not to go ahead with its nuclear program. The resolution is in continuation with its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 (1993), resolution 1540 (2004) and, in particular, resolution 1695 (2006), as well as the statement of its President of 6 October 2006 (S/PRST/2006/41) seeks to reaffirm that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological arsenal constitutes grave threat for the safety and security of the world peace. UN security council expressed grave concern on the claim made by Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and expressed apprehension that this development might lead to further tension in the region. While announcing the successful conduct of the nuclear test, North Korean government also announced its withdr awal from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The resolution expressly demanded that; North Korea must desist from conducting any further nuclear tests or launching any ballistic missile. DPRK must express its return to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards, North Korean government must eliminate its nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles program. The government of DPRK must allow the international community and concerned UN organisations to inspect all cargo moving in or out of the country. This is purportedly considered necessary to check illegal transportation of

Monday, October 7, 2019

Methodology and appendix for How to successfully Market Sport Research Paper

Methodology and appendix for How to successfully Market Sport Nuitrition for Females in London - Research Paper Example In order to maintain good health status of children and adolescent youths in school based programs, strategies such as integration of school food services and nutrition education, regular training of the staff, family and community on matters related to importance of nutrition need to be followed to the later. The school based programs in most occasions contributes a lot in promoting lifelong healthy eating internationally. A recommended nutritional strategy contributes to prevention of pre-mature deaths in United States of America. The national health promotion and disease prevention objective in U.S.A encourages schools to provide nutrition learning from preschool to higher level. Various methods have been used to promote nutrition for females in U.S.A to improve the health status of the children and the adolescent youths (Levine & Zahradnik 2012, p.30) The purpose is to examine food advertising and marketing stations used to target U.S.A children and adolescent youths. Generally, the fundamental movement skills such as jumping, striking, catching among others forms the basis for future sports services growth and for life long enjoyment of physical activities among the females and the adolescents youths (Marcelo & Pihdo 2006). FMS identifies various stages of improvement of the fundamental movement skills. On the other hand, FMS provides safe games among the youths where they learn various important skills that help in improvement of the physical system nature of the youths in order to promote the nutritional nature. Ethical decisions within the communities varies with the varying in ethical believes. The community involved need to contribute to the nutritional status of their young ones. MED also involves in determining the challenges of the moral situations. US in the past decade have used most of the public schools as the venues of advertising and

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The managerment of breathlessness in patients with COPD Essay

The managerment of breathlessness in patients with COPD - Essay Example The crux of treatment of COPD is management of breathlessness which will be elaborated in this assignment. COPD is defined as "a disease state characterized by the presence of airflow obstruction due to chronic bronchitis or emphysema" (Sharma, 2006). Clinically, chronic bronchitis is defined as the presence of chronic cough with no other etiology and which is productive for at least 3 months during each of the two consecutive years. Emphysema is damage of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, the damage being irreversible, abnormal and associated with destruction of the air space walls with no obvious fibrosis (Fromer and Cooper, 2008). The global prevalence of COPD is about 7.5% of which 6.4% is due to chronic bronchitis and only 1.8% due to emphysema (Sharma, 2006). In adults above 40 years of age, the prevalence is estimated to be about 9-10% (Sharma, 2006). Men are most commonly affected by this disease. However, the incidence in women is increasing due to increased smoking (Sharma, 2006). COPD is associated with certain mortality and morbidity. The mortality rates in the world vary quite a lot and can be anywhere between 100- 400 deaths per 100,000 males (Sharma, 2006). The most common cause of COPD is cigarette smoking (Silvermann and Speizer, 1996). This condition affects about 15% of cigarette smokers (NICE, 2004). Other risk factors for the development of COPD are air pollution especially due to solid cooking fuels, presence of airway hyperresponsiveness (Sharma, 2006). The characteristic pathophysiological changes in COPD are seen in the central airways, the peripheral airways and also the lung parenchyma. Diverse mechanisms are implicated in the pathophysiology of COPD (Thurlbeck, 1990). Primary offenders like oxidative stress due to free radicals from cigarette smoke and oxidants from phagocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes trigger the release of